Recruiting Page
Here at Old Dominion, we take recruiting new athletes seriously.  We want to help you find a "home" and provide some basic information which you might find useful.  This information can be useful to any college bound athlete.  We are hopeful that you will consider Old Dominion as you continue to search for your future college and athletic program. 
Best of Luck!! 
- Coach Triolet
NCAA Clearing House Information - All entering college athletes must join the NCAA Clearing House in order to be eligible.  This NCAA website provides a vast array of information for any college bound athlete!
Old Dominion Campus Facts - This page is dedicated to providing you with some basic information about our university, it's size, and much, much more.
Old Dominion Athletic Information - This page has been borrowed from the web site to give you an idea of what our athletic department has to offer. 
Recruit Questionnaire - If you have stopped by our site and have yet to contact us about your diving, this is a great way to let us know all about you.  Take a few minutes to fill out the form and send it to Coach Triolet.  Thanks!

[Clearing House Info] [Campus Facts] [Athletic Info] [Questionnaire]
[Diving Home Page]